Termékek decortéx prémium (4)

ENTEGRE Formázó Gipsz - Párizsi Gipsz

ENTEGRE Formázó Gipsz - Párizsi Gipsz

ENTEGRE Moulding Plaster - Plaster of Paris APPLICATION FIELD It is used in casting of requested models for decorative purposed and mounting of decorative gypsum plaster product to wall. It is also used in repair, restoration and renewal in housing and business places thanks to early freezing quality.
ragasztó cement - C2ETS1

ragasztó cement - C2ETS1

Nous fournissons tout type de ciment colle fabriqué selon la norme EN 12004 : du Cilement colle basique (C1) à ciment colle haute performance (C2TES2)
Fiore-Grain Szilikon Külső Fali Bevonat (309) - Főoldal » Termékek » Belső Fali Termékcsoport

Fiore-Grain Szilikon Külső Fali Bevonat (309) - Főoldal » Termékek » Belső Fali Termékcsoport

Acrylic copolymer is an emulsion-based, silicone-folded, textured, thick-grained exterior wall coating material. It adheres very well to surfaces, does not crack and flake, and does not fade. It ensures that the moisture on the wall is expelled with its ability to breathe with its waterproof properties.
Öko Szigetelés - Folyékony Membrán Vízszigeteléshez

Öko Szigetelés - Folyékony Membrán Vízszigeteléshez

Akrilik reçine esaslı, su bazlı, tek kompenantlı, kullanıma hazır, pozitif su basıncına dayanıklı, kaplama altı Kısmi Elastik su yalıtım malzemesidir. Yarı elastik ► Akrilik Reçine Esaslı, Fırça ve rulo uygulanır. ► Su Bazlı, Düşük sıcaklıklarda bile elastikiyetini korur. ► Tek Bileşenli, Yüksek aderans sağlar. ► Kullanıma Hazır, Kullanıma hazırdır. ► Yarı Elastik ► Düşük Sarfiyatlıdır > Beyaz